FaSuLa Scar Surgery – Providence Combination Treatment

Some scars on the skin can be very difficult to erase. Numerous procedures devised to eliminate scars, such as oculofacial plastic surgery revision, dermabrasion, laser treatment, and chemical peels, come with complications and may be unsuccessful. The need for an effective treatment drove Dr. Yoash Enzer to research and develop an approach to remove scars […]
Endoscopic Brow Lift – Incisions Providence

If you’re interested in a brow lift, you may be trying to decide between getting an endoscopic brow lift or a traditional coronal brow lift. One major difference between the endoscopic brow lift and the coronal brow lift is the type of incisions that will be created. Instead of one large incision, three to five […]
Eye Lift – Providence Eyelid Rejuvenation

A person’s eyelids have a significant impact on the way they are viewed by their friends and by strangers. If your upper and lower eyelids are sagging and wrinkled, people may see you as older than you really are, or as constantly tired or upset. These misperceptions can affect your quality of life. Revitalize your […]
Summer Newsletter
Summer is here! In this month’s newsletter, you’ll hear about all the changes going on in the office, our round-up of some of the best summer skin care products, and much more. Read on to soak up all the details, and enjoy! What’s new with Dr. Enzer… and our staff! At the beginning of the […]
Latisse Treatments – Long-Lasting Lashes Providence

Are your eyelashes pale, thinning, and shorter than they should be? Many people try to solve this issue by using temporary fixes such as mascara or false eyelashes, which can be cumbersome, time-consuming, and harmful to your lashes. You’ll be happy to learn that there’s a convenient and long-lasting method to enhance your lashes: Latisse […]
Juvéderm Injections – Providence Dermal Fillers

Are facial wrinkles beginning to make you look older than you really are? Juvéderm injections are a convenient and effective way to send these wrinkles and creases packing. Juvéderm injections reach deep down in the skin tissue of the face to supply the lower layers with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally […]
Sculptra Aesthetic – Collagen Stimulators Providence

There are several different varieties of injectables available on the market today. Neurotoxins such as Botox and Dysport diminish wrinkles by reducing facial muscle movement, whereas dermal fillers can “fill in” wrinkles and add volume. Sculptra Aesthetic is a long-lasting dermal filler and is used to volumize the face and reduce wrinkles. Unlike some dermal […]
Fat Transfer – Providence Facial Fat Grafting

When people think about facial rejuvenation, their first thought is often of a facelift. Though facelifts are quite effective, there are many associated risks and downtime, and they sometimes result in an unnatural “windswept” appearance. A modern, non-invasive alternative to facelifts is the facial fat transfer procedure. Facial fat transfer involves moving fat cells from […]
Laser Hair Removal – Laser Depilation Providence
Time is one of our most valuable resources – why waste it on constant plucking, waxing, and electrolysis treatments? Laser hair removal is a safe and easy procedure that will simplify your grooming routine and save you time in the long run. Almost any area on the body can be treated with laser hair removal […]
Spring Newsletter
Happy Spring! After a long winter, we’ve been loving all the signs that spring is here to stay. Read on to hear about what’s been going on at our office recently! What’s new with Dr. Enzer Dr. Enzer continually strives to provide his patients with the latest and best cosmetic treatments. The most recent innovation […]