Fat Transfer to Revitalize the Face

The idea of going under the knife to rejuvenate aged skin tissues to restore the youthful suppleness and radiance of your skin can be a scary thought for some. Some people may try to use various skin creams or other beauty products, but despite their claims, no amount of these topical products penetrate deep enough to help restore the vibrance of young-looking skin.
There are a number of surgical procedures available to get the younger look you desire. However, if you are apprehensive about the more invasive surgical procedures such as a face lift, you can try a face sculpting treatment known as fat transfer or lipotransfer.
What Is an Autologous Fat Transfer Procedure?
As the name suggests, the Autologous Fat Transfer is a cosmetic procedure that involves harvesting fat from the other areas of a patient’s body and transferring it to the face in order to restore the natural voluminous and plump facial contours of youth. The donor site for extracting the fat is chosen with the patient based on their preferences and which sites work best.
Ideally, your surgeon would use a site that is largely resistant to frequent weight fluctuations such as lateral thigh, buttocks, and lower abdomen. The extracted fat tissues are then processed to separate out the key fat layers, including the all important stem cells. Next they are injected into the hollowed or thinned areas of the face such as the temples, eyelids, lips, cheeks, and around the mouth. The process is completed using a fine injection tube called a cannula.
The fat extraction is done by another cosmetic procedure called liposuction. This procedure makes use of a small tube or cannula to suction out the adipose tissue from deep within the skin. The incision made for the purpose of liposuction is fairly small and is strategically concealed within the natural creases of the skin to reduce the appearance of scars once healed.
Why Undergo a Fat Transfer for Facial Rejuvenation?
• Since, the procedure involves the extraction and injection of your body’s own fat tissues, it minimizes the risks of developing side effects or infections that typically occur in the procedures that make use of synthetic fillers for revitalizing skin.
• Since there are no foreign substances being used in the treatment, the results are more natural looking than what you’ll see with other filler techniques.
• The facial fat transfer results can last for several years and in some cases, they may even become permanent.
• Since the fat tissue transfer also involves a transfer of associated stem cells, there is an internal transformation of the texture and complexion of the skin that provides a youthful radiance from within.
• The procedure can address multiple volume depletion issues such as smoothening out marionette lines, forehead lines and nasolabial folds, lifting the brow, augmenting the lip and cheeks, rejuvenating the eye contour area, and volumizing sunken temples.
• The fat transfer treatment can be carried out at a considerably lower cost because of its longevity, as opposed to the synthetic dermal fillers that require repeated treatments.
• Since fat is a naturally occurring organic substance, it provides a natural suppleness and texture to the skin.
• Since there are no facial incisions incorporated in the injection process, the fat transfer procedure involves a rapid recovery process and minimal risk of scarring.
Contact Our Office
A facial fat transfer can provide exceptional rejuvenation benefits to your facial appearance. Contact us if you want to increase the volume and youthfulness of your face. Dr. Yoash Enzer, a board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon, has the skills and experience necessary to help you achieve the look you desire. He will help answer any questions you have and guide you through the process.