Sculpting a More Graceful and Youthful Neck with the Help of Neck Liposuction

A sculpted neckline is crucial for looking attractive and youthful. Even if your face is relatively wrinkle-free, excess neck fat can make you appear older, as well as out of shape. Excess fat in the neck area can develop due to aging, weight gain, or even hereditary factors, so people with normal body weight can also suffer from it.
It is quite difficult to reduce stubborn neck fat with exercise or a healthy diet alone. Neck liposuction offers an easy solution for people who want to get rid of neck fat and achieve a more youthful profile.
One big advantage of neck liposuction is that younger people can opt for it – you don’t need to wait for wrinkles to appear to get this neck-contouring procedure. Liposuction can also be performed if you have only moderate amounts of stubborn neck fat. You don’t need to wait for neck-fat deposits to become extreme or significant in order to qualify for a neck-liposuction procedure.
Neck Liposuction – The Procedure
Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to remove fat from the body. Neck liposuction is a quick and simple procedure. It can be performed using local anesthesia or with sedation. You can also opt for general anesthesia.
Dr. Enzer will first make a few tiny incisions under your chin and behind your ears. Through these incisions, he will insert a tool called a cannula to suction out the fat from the neck. A cannula is a hollow tube with holes at the tip that is designed to loosen stubborn fat cells.
The incisions that were made are often quite small and typically require no sutures to close them. You can resume normal everyday activities within three to four days of your neck-liposuction procedure. You may need to wait for a week to resume physical activities or strenuous work. Post-surgical swelling and bruising in the neck area resolves as your healing progresses.
Neck Liposuction – The Results
Once your swelling subsides, you will be able to see a slimmer neck profile and a more graceful neckline. Your neck will be contoured and sculpted, your double chin will have disappeared, and your jawline will look more refined.
Results from a liposuction procedure can last for a long time, even permanently if you maintain your ideal weight.
Schedule Your Neck-Liposuction Consultation with Dr. Enzer
Neck liposuction is a simple procedure that can produce dramatic results. To achieve these results, it needs to be performed by a qualified surgeon who knows how to contour neck features in a way that looks natural and attractive.
If you want to opt for neck liposuction, consult with Dr. Yoash Enzer, a skilled board-certified surgeon and Rhode Island’s top laser and cosmetic specialist. During your consultation, Dr. Enzer will examine your neck area and skin elasticity to determine the efficacy of neck liposuction for your aesthetic goals. He will answer any questions you may have and discuss the procedure in greater detail.
To arrange your informative neck-liposuction consultation with Dr. Enzer, contact our office today and set up an appointment.