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Fillers: Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by Dr. Yoash Enzer in Providence, RI.
Fillers Fillers



Fillers Fillers
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Before (Left-sided photos): This middle-aged woman noticed herself looking older.  Sometimes it is difficult to “see” exactly what has changed because it is such a gradual, but steady process.  She exercises, eats a health-conscious diet, and works in an industry that values appearances.  Dr. Enzer noticed a significant loss of her facial volume, especially when compared to her old photos.  She looked more drawn and when she tilted her head downward there was sagging.  He felt she would be an excellent candidate for hyaluronic acid synthetic fillers, applied with an approach that is customized for each patient based on their original appearance and current needs.  The goal was facial rejuvenation with a completely natural look.
After (Right-sided photos):  The results you see are about four months after her filler treatment.  She received three vials of Juvederm fillers in the temples, cheeks, around her mouth, and her lips.  Notice the more youthful, softer, and more feminine appearance.  You can also see much less sagging, especially with her head tilted downward.  Both the patient and Dr. Enzer were very pleased with her results.

Individual Results May Vary