Removal of Skin Growths: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Yoash Enzer in Providence, RI.
Before: All the highlighted areas are raised moles. The patient would like to have them removed. We discussed the option of complete excision, but doing so would leave a scar, the degree to which it would be noticeable being unpredictable. Therefore, she opted for radiofrequency ablation with our Ellman unit.
After: Notice the treated areas are now flat. Two weeks ago, eight lesions were removed at the same time, even one on her earlobe. This procedure was comfortably performed in our office minor surgery suite with local anesthesia There is no pain afterwards, and all that is required are daily Band-Aid changes. The areas usually stay slightly red for about 2-4 weeks before returning to their normal color. This is a typical result, and we have thousands of satisfied patients after the procedure.