Restylane Products – Facial Rejuvenation Providence
Published on November 9, 2015 by
Are you interested in fighting the signs of the aging process? The family of Restylane products are injectable dermal fillers designed to address a variety of aesthetic concerns. Restylane, the first hyaluronic acid filler to be approved by the FDA, is used to reduce the appearance of moderate and harsh folds in the skin of […]
Restylane Products – Providence Restylane Silk
Published on August 24, 2015 by
We offer three Restylane products: Restylane, Restylane Silk, and Perlane. Restylane products are injectable substances used to enhance regions of the face, erasing issues associated with the aging process. These products all feature synthetic hyaluronic acid, which creates volume in skin tissues. While Restylane Silk focuses on lip rejuvenation, restoring fullness and shape to the […]